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Losing massive amounts of weight -

20-12-2016 à 20:06:39
Losing massive amounts of weight
It is my GYN who approves the Rx to be compounded at this Pharmacy Lab. I am so sad because I thought I was finally getting somewhere and I feel like I may need to quit the bioidenticals. You see, the latest scientific research is catching up to my in-the-gym findings and proving me right and the cardio crowd dead wrong. For more info please see our web page on Insulin Resistance. We do have more info on our Pregnancy page. If progesterone caused inflammation, every pregnant woman on this planet would suffer hugely. I hope I am not insulin resistant or my thyroid is damaged either - my thyroid did show on the test that it was normal though. The more severe, the more progesterone is needed. When I started I was full of irrational fears, anxiety, sweats and so on due to a very stressful year. I have gained 20 pounds in the last year. My stomach was a little upset and I took some acidophilus to ward off yeast infection. Sad to say, my life has been a living hell. I have ordered Natpro and am looking forward to using this much more effective cream. You might like to see these two pages we have on How to use progesterone and Peri-menopause. When I was taking a pill dose, it relieved PMS and I was able to maintain a healthy weight. I lie down, take 1 Benadryl to sleep, turn on my fan (even the sound is very relaxing). Some find a benefit immediately, only to go into oestrogen dominance a few weeks later. For an equally effective contraceptive, far safer too, please consider the copper T IUD, it leaks no progestin into the body. So do less. I will slowly adding back in things one at a time. I am really disgusted with all of the hormone stuff. But, maybe I am getting too much from it in other food sources. Take your migraines for example, oestrogen is an inflammatory hormone, it also causes water retention. Now, I am suddenly gaining weight again around my lower back, hips and thighs. For more info see the Vitamin D council and GrassrootsHealth websites. Bio-identical hormones are identical to that made by the body. This is another excellent site you can look through, see Stop the Thyroid Madness. Oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. Hi Pat I very rarely mention the cream we make. After starting I gained five more pounds right in the belly, the last place I needed even more weight, I discovered that (according to this site) I was not using enough. I do not want to put any more weight on, I am very tall and slender by frame and nature and this does not suit me. In April 2011, from a saliva test, my estradiol was 3. How often should I be using the cream, 14 days until (hopefully) my period shows up, 21 days or everyday for a month then maybe try 14 or 21 days. A lack also reduces the benefits of progesterone. This occurs in many women when first using progesterone. I tried to use some bioidentical Progesterone cream (just to have some hormones in my body). Oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. I have 1 and a half ovaries if I remember correctly. It makes me a bit sleepy or foggy in my head. What will the Estriol do to the mix. I would love to get my period again, being only 45. I am afraid to up the progesterone even more. I stopped the estradiol it was making these cold sweats even worse. I am most interested to hear your opinion of the cream I am using. For more info on testing etc, see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. As I said when I was taking progesterone alone, I blew up like a ballon and put on a lot of weight. She will however, be able to reduce her dose as her symptoms improve. However, my symptoms have been gone since I started using the cream about 2 years ago, the weight crept up. I remember reading Dr. It is possible that Amberen is not as effective once you are older and had a hysterectomy. The tests are done by a naturopath in the UK, and she does a before and after test for comparison. I see you tell everyone it initally causes weight gain, but I am on sprinolactone 25mg PO BID. It can be applied with either a finger or syringe. Wray continues to advise that we will only experience weight gain initially but some posters have written that they are still gaining weight after 6 months. I have ordered it online as I am desperate to fix this problem. I believe your cognitive fog is due not to low testosterone, but to too high an oestrogen level. I started taking 15mg of the bio-identical progesterone 3 months ago. Take care, Wray. Please be aware that Oestrogen Dominance can occur when increasing the amount. Oh--the pills have helped my anxiety alot and I do sleep better. My clients melted away their fat and build bodies that made their friends and family JEALOUS. However, over the last year my menstrual cycle is still irregular, I still have severe cramping, migraines, and then my hair started falling out. I once used this amount of our cream as I had added stress, and found I needed to divide the amount into about 4 applications. I also am having hot flashes with these hormones. The progesterone should be used from ovulation for the 12-14 days of the luteal phase. Please have a vitamin D test done on your mother. Please read through this page as it gives a list of the nutrients which help. The woman at the store said that women who are progesterone dominate tend to be thinner. If you take too little of the cream, you will only worsen your symptoms, including wight gain. Is there a natural dosage that equals the progestrin. Hi Judy I do hope the wedding was fun and it went well. Hi Maria Hyperemesis indicates your progesterone was far too low, this also explains the miscarriage. The one that concerns me the most is vitamin D, a lack of this leads to cancer, to fatigue, to hypothyroidism. Presently my hormone doc, who is sensitive to my own observations, advised me to take estrogen continuously and to add in the prog after 3 months for a week then stop in order to stimulate a bleed. Doctor put me on 40mg. One reason teenage boys get it far more frequently and worse than girls. The first few months it helped with my period but I was still having other symptoms. Will using the cream help me come off of the depo this time without the side effects. Progesterone certainly helps, it inhibits the prostaglandins which cause pain. Now, only 3 weeks later I am soooo much better already. Stress drops progesterone levels too, so does excessive exercise, as it depletes cholesterol from which progesterone is made. It appears, if using progesterone early enough, i. It does cause hypokalemic hypertension too, are you taking extra potassium. I started pro-gest about 3 weeks ago and my weight seems to have gone up but did notice not so teary at the moment. When I first started my therapy, I tested at an 8 on day 21 of my cycle. So I use progesterone in preference, and advise all women to use some in their vagina each night. I was soooo excited the first 10 days or so of my Biodentical Replacement. I weighed 148 when she put me on progesterone and estrogen. Hi there Progesterone is thermogenic, so does speed metabolism slightly. But I think it makes me bloated for a few days after using it. Which is why so many women get cravings just prior to bleeding, the ratio becomes unbalanced with progesterone dropping too fast. My saliva test shows that I am definitely estrogen dominant and over the last 6 months I have gained 5 inches in my stomach of bloat. For more advice on How to use progesterone, please read through this page. I am feeling great in those regards but wonder if I should quit it all, I cannot continue with this weight gain. Oestrogen is a mitogenic, excitatory, inflammatory hormone, causing amongst many things, water retention. As you can see from my previous reply we all have far too much. This is expensive to be using 4x the recommended amount and it still not being a high enough dosage. Thanks for sharing your take and the study, too, Wray. Thanks. Estrogen has a similar effect in the brain as leptin, and leptin controls hunger. Give me hot flashes all day long over this nightmare. Hi there Oral progesterone is not the best Delivery system. What do you think of the weight gain and appetite increase after starting these. The problem with taking 100 mg a day. So why they bothered to test you is beyond me. Also yes I was concerned about the dosage because I know that meds are cut by a large percentage because of the first pass which is why I would like an article or something to show the dr. Hi Wray - I have actually been taking 440 mg of progesterone a day, and I cannot express how much relief I have experienced. I LOVE what it has done for my cycle, love not getting pregnant, love not having to have a hysterectomy and most of all LOVE not having to think about any of it. I have purchased progesterone cream as my last resort - have started using it yesterday. I realized that long, slow and boring cardio was horrible for burning fat and building a lean, sexy body. It also gives info on dementia too, oestrogen also causes this. And here. If I need to buy that or a brand other than Natpro, I just go by how much progesterone is in the entire bottle and divide it up so I am still taking the right amount for me. Thank you. It is worth a try-I know several people personally who have been helped by this dietary change. There are several nutrients which all help the ovaries ovulate. Now I am using between 100-200 each day (divided into two applications in the morning and evening) and everything is great regarding my weight and other symptoms. I know you live in sunny Mexico, but most of us spend 90% of our time indoors, getting little vitamin D. I hope by sharing my story helps you on your journey to feeling well again. Please see this page and the research papers too. However, my periods are still irregular and if I up the progesterone cream to 30 mg because of feeling like my I am having pms symptoms, such as acne, my acne gets worse. However, I do see my doc again next week. I have had much stress that was unavoidable and other stress that I try to keep calm by exercise and Yoga. Does it mean the Progesterone amount is too low. Did you have a skin outbreak, ie dermatitis. I was ready to just stop until I read the posts here. You might like to read what testosterone does to us. The change explains why you are now getting bad symptoms. Oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. If you should consider using, please see this page for more info on How to use progesterone. Oestrogen, both endognenous and that found in the contraceptive pill and HRT causes this. I have been on progesterone cream for just over a year. I am working with a hormone specialist, I am estrogen dominant, 32 years old, never had kids, and a marathon runner and ironman athlete. Hi there You can imagine my delight that your hot flushes have gone. Although the amounts used in the study were very high, they used oral progesterone which is not the best Delivery system. My doctor suggested an estrogen detox. Over the course of 5 years I finally got a doctor to do the right tests and see that I had a thyroid problem. Hi Marie Progesterone is not causing you to gain weight, oestrogen is. These have many adverse side affects, please see our web page on Contraceptives. old and still have my ovaries. Cardio causes immense oxidative damage and a flood of free radicals to the body. Hi, Wray, I have been achieving a good success in reducing my estrogen dominance symptoms by taking about 350 mg of progesterone daily via the Natpro cream, which equals a tsp twice a day (two tsp total). If you care to look at that link it will explain all you need to know about dosage and more. It began to happen over and over as I slept. Despite upping my dosage to 100 mg a day, the weight gain has continued and I now have gained nearly 10 lbs. Just be aware of any oestrogen dominance symptoms when you do. Incidentally, progesterone is excellent for men too, it also increases their libido, see here. I am already soooo overweight from having my thyroid problem. Because I have a history of breast cancer, no doctor will take the risks of any supplementation, so I have started on DHEA myself. I feel much better but the last time it just crept up and up and up over 6 months. Have you ever experienced the depression and food cravings of PMS, and been helped by progesterone. It could be you need more progesterone to overcome this aspect of Oestrogen Dominance. It appears that PCOS is caused by oxidative stress, and the antioxidants mentioned on the page all assist it righting this. But fat cells are a non-ovarian source of oestrogen, so a vicious cycle begins. The only thing truly natural is what our bodies make. Progesterone is also excellent for headaches and migraines, whereas oestrogen being an inflammatory hormone causes them, see here, here, here, here, here and here. She said increase the progesterone and decrease the estrogen. Limit fruit to the ones with low sugar, ie apples, berries and under ripe bananas and pears. I honestly think this pill is preventing me from losing weight. Purchased Prolief prog cream by Arbonne early this yr but didnt really take it as I read it caused weight gain. Oestrogen and only oestrogen causes cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells, progesterone inhibits mitosis. The Implanon was inserted to relieve hormone-related migraine headaches. I experienced those beginning symptoms and actually went up to around 300 mg a day for a few weeks to hurry the process along a bit. So please increase the amount you are using. If someone has a good idea where to start please do so. I take ample supplements and 5000 iu of vit d every day. This is not the best Delivery system as most of it get destroyed by the gut and liver. The injections were giving you a reasonable amount, plus bypassing the liver too. And my suggestions have only come from these papers. With an increase in SHBG, testosterone, and to a lesser extent oestrogen, becomes bound and is no longer available, see here. My stomach got flatter after adding progesterone tho. Thanks. Scientists have shown this unique system helps men and women of all ages to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Please read through this page we have, as it explains why it occurs. For more info on vitamin D levels, testing etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Oral progesterone is not the best route to take it, please see these papers. and I have Progecyv Wild Yam Extract Cream, 60G to a tub, Wild Yam Extract(Dioscorea Villosa), Almond Oil, Carbopol 934, Trietanolamine, Estearic Acid, DL-Panthenol, Glicerolate, Water. When women get water retention or weight gain they immediately blame progesterone. Mercola re progesterone, especially the last few paragraphs re applying it only in mucous membranes (like the vagina or rectum) versus all over. :( As for the progesterone, do you have any articles that discuss weight gain and daily dosage so I can show my doctor. It was hard to get period though but I had some bleed during cycle and some at the end of the cycle. My thyroid bloodwork came back within range, but had been given different doses of T3 (25mcg-75mcg), and have tried Armour and Nature-throid (became hyper on 1 grain) with little to no relief from symptoms. A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that. There is great confusion between the two in the medical profession and lay people alike. If it is too fast, just increase slightly till you feel stable again. Oestrogen is vital during puberty when it causes our breasts and hips to develop, and the fatty layer women have. Thousands of women are making no ovarian progesterone, as they are on contraceptives. I am a rigorous exerciser and healthy eater. Any advice is appreciated, I am VERY frustrated. I am precribed 4% cream 2xday. Hi, Wray, you are telling people to use 100-200 mg a day without asking if they are pre or post menopausal. You are right, stick to that amount till symptoms have gone, then reduce. Please consider changing to a more affective route, and using far more than you are. Then I tried other forms of progesterone or progestin. In June of 2009, my dr put me on synthetic progesterone. In both cases large amounts were needed, the same applies if someone has severe symptoms. How many IUs of vitamin D am i suppose to take. Decide what your priorities are and base you decision about taking progesterone on that. Your body needs to gain weight at that time, and so you eat and eat and eat, and what hormone has the highest levels during pregnancy. Oestrogen is known to cause inflammation, cellular proliferation (including fat cells) and water retention. The skin comprises 95% kerotinocytes, these have ample progesterone receptors, so the cream can be applied anywhere, even hair follicles absorb it well. A lack of this leads to weight gain, it also leads to hypothyroidism and insulin resistance, plus many other things. The advice I give is very different from other sites. You see, this new form of exercise works for anyone and at any age. My libido has not increased but I am hopeful it will since it has only been a week. This merely ramped up the oestrogen even more. You might like to see our page on Nutrition and Diet. Do you think I might not see the weight gain since I am on a diuretic. Oestrogen is an excitatory and inflammatory hormone, whereas progesterone calms and is an anti-inflammatory. Even worse, you always end up eating more fat-gaining calories AFTER you work out which means that you gain more and more weight. And testosterone given to a woman is converted to yet more by aromatase. Another showing how progesterone effects the oestrogen receptors, see here. You are so right about the progestins, whether found in the contraceptive pill or HRT, all of them come with adverse side effects, please see this web page for more info. You might like to see our pages on Peri-menopause and Menopause. If you have any links or whatever I would greatly appreciate it. Researchers have even found that people on a long term cardio plan actually GAIN weight instead of losing it. Thanks for your kind words, and blessings to you too. This only gives progesterone a bad name, as evidenced by the forums which are filled with dire warnings. And the oestrogen and testosterone as low, as progesterone suppresses these. I take it you are using a cream, or is it oral progesterone. This does come in oil form, which is much easier to take, besides being beneficial for the skin. Please read our web page here on oestrogen dominance. The studies on licorice seem to have conflicting results, some say it reduces testosterone levels, others that it increases it. Please see our web page on HRT for more info. As I would drift off I would feel and hear a loud shocking noise and jolt in my head and I would be abruptly jolted out of sleep. Almost immediately after using the Progesterone, the cysts disappeared so I assumed that the amount of Progesterone was enough. I was unable to swim or walk even with the best support bras. of progesterone cream, bio-identical, and 5mg of DHEA. Any comments on undetectable testosterone in pre-menopausal women. By using too low an amount it merely keeps stimulating oestrogen. Oestrogen also stimulates the appetite, one of the reasons women get cravings the few days prior to bleeding. The main problem is oxidative stress, which causes insulin resistance and much more. Vaginal dryness was a problem so started estrogen pill vaginally. For more info please see our page on How to use progesterone cream. I currently have hypothyroidism and take 5mg of Armoud daily. I would suggest you use some in your vagina too, it can help with dryness and inflammation. Hi there Unfortunately you were given oestrogen with the progesterone. Hi Judy Yes I agree your progesterone to oestrogen ratio is too low. nor have I increased my caloric intake. I have since upped the dosage, even with this other cream, and am losing weight, especially in my stomach area. Chrome, zinc and thiamine will also help, so will the amino tyrosine. It sounds the estrogen cream may only be making the problem worse. It happens to many women, and the only way to overcome it and make progesterone dominant is to use a far higher amount. Please see the excellent website Our Stolen Future for more info. Continue applying it until the patch takes days to fade. Since it comes from coconuts, how effective is taking raw coconut oil orally or topically. The sleepiness went away, and I feel normal again, but I know this is not even close to what most people recommend taking. You might like to read these comments from users of high amount for encouragement, see here, here, here and here. Often the amounts suggested are so low they keep stimulating oestrogen. I have put on almost 10 pounds and am not happy about it at all. My dr. When I first started using the cream I experienced bad headaches which subsided after a few months passed by. Mercola says the body needs the plunge of low progesterone levels to instigate a period and that a constant high level prevents that. I read the comments you recommended and got encouraged very much to continue. 5 Estrogen in morning. Strange too that they have all been published in reputable journals. If I increase the progesterone can I still stay on my bi-est. i was put on 75 mg of progesterone 25 in MA and 50 in PM. My thyroid levels are fine even though i have many symptoms that it is low. ALso I have gained 20 pounds in this year mostly in the belly which is odd since I have never had a belly before. Hi there Yes, Natpro contains progesterone and not a progestin. It worked. So-called experts, including many overweight doctors have been telling you for years that you need to do up to an hour of cardio per day in order to lose weight. This secret reverses the aging process, turns your body into a fat burning machine and you can do it in the comfort of your own home in just 3 short 30-minute sessions per week. I am starting to think that I do not have a thyroid problem, so I changed doctors. I have been using Natpro for almost a year now and have just started to experience the benefit of a reduction in menstrual pain the past few months. Hi Vicki I agree there are many contradictions. Hi Mary Yes I saw they were low, which is a good sign, the higher they are the more affected the liver is. They were the most awful aspect of P-M for me, although the depression was bad too. The weight gain is caused by oestrogen, you should have been warned of this. I just want to get myself back and also get rid of the 13kilos of excess weight. (all in the belly) I have never had a belly in my entire life. I stay away from fatty skin because of it being absorbed in fat and staying there. Finally I would avoid DHEA as it can cause cysts and cancer by increasing oestrogen and testosterone levels. Progesterone is an excellent analgesic, please rub some on your tummy when you get cramps. But these are a non-ovarian source of oestrogen, so a vicious cycle starts. I started hot flashing on oral estradiol and oral progesterone a few months back. Dr. Please have a test done, for more info see the Vitamin D council and GrassrootsHealth websites. I take progesterone only 12 days a month to balance my estrogen. That only leaves 300mg for the rest, including 8 fillers. And as a result, I am also sleeping better. In 1977, Jim Fixx published The Complete Book of Running. Heather, read all of the posts on the subject and make your own decision. You see, long, slow and boring cardio actually trains your body to store fat. Progesterone cannot cause masculine traits in a woman and feminine in a man. If you want help working this out please come back to me, I would need at least 3 months of your past cycles to go by. The ratio is the critical factor, not the actual levels. A recent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that. When I wake up it is low and as the day goes on it gets higher. Hi LaraS Too little progesterone stimulates oestrogen, so you are right you do need to use more. I could have done with it for my post natal depression, but unfortunately I knew nothing about it then. This paper shows how oestrogen blocks progesterone if in excess, see here. No one seemed to be able to tell me why this was happening just that it was hormonal. Headaches, horrid mood changes, SEVERE bone pain, bloating, cramping. Hi Mary Another nutrient you could consider is glutamine, the enterocytes lining the gut use this for energy and healing. I believe this is why you have the pain, fatigue and weight gain, a lack of vitamin D effects us hugely, these symptoms you have being but a few. I am an academic and have obsessively kept up on the literature and know that the current research says that progesterone probably does not cause weight gain, but I have to question that because I have done the ABA experiment and about 15-20 lbs are gained or lost depending upon my progesterone intake. I went and got all natural Progesterone cream and it has helped with the mood and I felt calmer and my pain and size decreased somewhat. I found slowly, slowly over 6 months all the symptoms I had went, or the ones I wanted back came back. The sleepiness will continue if you use a low amount of progesterone, it really does need to be higher. I wonder if the authors would agree with you. Whereas oestrogen increases the risk, see our page on HRT. Progesterone initially stimulates oestrogen, so using a low amount merely exacerbates this, see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. I am 62 and have been dealing with vag dryness and hot flashes for 10 years and have tried EVERYTHING to stop the hot flashing. Hi Debbie You are right, 40mg would not constitute an overdose. Please see this page on How to use progesterone cream. 75 Progest at night,. I do wonder about stopping it to see if my period will come back, if sharply dropped progesterone levels are the trigger. My question is, how long should I continue at this amount, and when will I know to taper. This last is the reason you look 5 months pregnant, see here, here, here, here, here here, here, here, here and here. Please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance for more info. I never give advice or information unless there is a study to back it up. Oestrogen stimulates cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. Saliva testing showed normal estrogen, low progesterone, high testosterone, high coritsol. Well i just found out thru a saliva test that my progesterone level was a low 22. It increases fat cells, plus it causes water retention. Last January after being told that the fibroid tumors I had had made me infertile I got pregnant. Progesterone initially stimulates oestrogen, hence the weight gain. I would avoid the DHEA, it not only increases levels of oestrogen and testosterone, but by doing so can cause cysts and cancer, see here, here, here and here. For more info please see our page on Progesterone application methods. My gyno says I have to use vaginal estrace. Hi AF All contraceptives come with adverse side effects, some we are not aware of, please see this page on Contraceptives. Low thyroid symptoms are very similar to low progesterone symptoms, in fact progesterone can help the thyroid, as it suppresses oestrogen which slows it down. I am going in next week for a stress test and a scan for calcium in the arteries. Unless progesterone is the dominant hormone, you are going to continue gaining weight and water. High oestrogen causes the nausea, water retention too. We also have a web page on Conception and Pregnancy. The women who gain weight using it are not using enough to counteract the oestrogen dominance. A drop in blood glucose also causes panic attacks, please avoid all sugar and sweet, starchy foods. For more info on vitamin D see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital websites. Now she is having me take bio identical progesterone and being sympathetic to my feelings about this she wants me to take 25mg on night one. There was some consensus in that most of the doctors put me on the progesterone cream (50 MG per day the highest). Should I stay on a low dose of estrodiol. For more info see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital websites. Well you know my views on DHEA and testosterone. So my doctor started me on some oral progesterone. The sudden increase in weight gain is caused by oestrogen stimulating water retention. It can occur and is disconcerting if it does. Oestrogen and only oestrogen stimulates cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. I have always had horrible life altering periods, and that ceased on the depo, but now, at a chunky 165, I am not getting my next shot on Jan 24th, because I have been working out 6 days a week for 4 months and GAINED 10 pounds. My weight is disgusting, I used to be a size zero and I have gained 15 pounds and I am more than upset. She advised stop the progesterone while bleeding and start on day 7. Especially if the amount used is low, as yours appears to be. And oestrone, which increases during our menopause years. Eventually my TSH started to rise and thats when I was dx. Not having spoken a word for a year, she started speaking again. But once this initial phase is over and progesterone becomes the dominant hormone, the water retention stops. Hi Jenine Firstly I must tell you I absentmindedly forgot to give you the rest of my reply to your previous question. Women only retain water if excess oestrogen is present, as this hormone causes water retention by blocking the action of progesterone. But during a normal cycle, i. I would imagine with your age now, that you are in Menopause. For some it might work, but for me it causes headaches, weight gain, and depression (as well as acne). I am on bio identical progesterone with dhea and just a little estrogen. I have really been suffering with the atrophy and need to address this. Interestingly it also appears a lack of vitamin D impacts on the thyroid, see here, here and here. Most people are advised to use amounts that are far too low. The compounded patch sounds suspect, is it a progestin. Which explains why your ratio is out, in spite of supplementing with progesterone. I have gained over 60 pounds in the last 2 years. You are doing a world of good here on your site. Please see the Vitamin D council and GrassrootsHealth websites. I am 37 now and trying to get pregnant. For more info on delivery systems please see Progesterone application methods. Progestins could make you insane, as they suppress progesterone levels. Judging by how bad they are I suggest you use a high amount initially. Thank You. For many years did nothing and seemed to gradually get better although had little energy, no sex drive and arthritis symptoms worsened. It has taken me a little while to get motivated to lose my baby weight and am finally active and eating well. (I am now 42 and had cervical cancer when I was pregnant with my child) I stopped Cenestin last year because I was kind of freaked out about taking hormones so much. I put the cream on thin skin like my wrists, inside elbows, behind the knees, and top of chest. I do find this happens after stopping a contraceptive, although it normally starts within the first year. As oestrogen is suppressed the fat cells are no longer stimulated either. So far I have not read anything too greatly positive about taking DHEA. Whereas oestrogen increases the risk, see our page on HRT Take care Wray. When do you stop using progesterone cream Part 2. For more info see the Vitamin D council website. 25 Est at night. I have recently secured a job and have been doing more running around than I had the 6 months prior to this event and have made a conscious effort to eat less meat and increase my veggies. Hi Joanne Did you read those papers I gave you on DHEA. Please see our page on HRT for the reasons why. As people get older, the consequences of their cardio come back to bite them in the butt. Low carbs are all animal proteins, all good fats and oils like coconut, olive, flax, butter, all green leafy veggies, including things like stalks, shoots, sprouts, flowers like cauli and broccoli. Why the Wall Street Journal Claims Cardio is as Bad as Cheeseburgers and 3 Other Shocking Facts About Fat Loss. Also adding to the weight gain side effect- there have been numerous studies relating to estrogen and leptin. Hi there Although your tests came back normal, they could not have been normal, as sore breasts are caused by oestrogen, progesterone is effective as relieving the pain, see here, here, here, here, here and here. So the container will be finished in approximately 4 to 9 days. Vanity aside, I am so bloated it is painful. I get my info from research studies done on progesterone and never quote anything that is not found by the studies. Progesterone activates oestrogen, I can only assume you are not using enough to prevent the pain, but sufficient for the other symptoms you had. I am depressed about it but know that I cannot go back to sleepless nights and debilitating anxiety. (That is just outside of Guadalajara) I just want to know if what I am using is doing anything or if it is just the vitamins and oils and if the cream is good, do I need to increase my dose. I feel bright, energized, happy and more slender now that I am on it again. The problem is knowing when to apply the cream. Hi Tracie The reason you are getting these adverse symptoms when increasing the amount is caused by Oestrogen Dominance. Hi Jenine Thanks for your support, once again. All because I wanted to feel better and lose weight. I feel initially you would benefit more from the higher amount, due to the symptoms you have. Take care. There is only one way to overcome it and that is to persevere. Excess oestrogen is to my mind serious enough to warrant using a high amount of progesterone to reduce levels. Unless symptoms are very severe when I recommend using it daily. Please avoid the DHEA as it can cause cysts and cancer, please see here, here and here. 25 mg DHEA which i have been doing but according to your recommendation, it is not safe. Recently I have started testing for cushings and wondering if this has anything to do with anything. Hi, I have been taking bio identical Progesterone and topical Testosterone for a month now. Peri-menopause is a most difficult time, with mayhem as you say. Hi Linda Too low a level of progesterone does have a tendency to cause weight gain. Hi Susan I agree progesterone is not a cure all, there are so many other factors to take into consideration. Progesterone is produced in our brains, adrenal glands, testes in men and ovaries in females. Hi there Contraceptives of all kinds can cause weight gain, the reason being they can cause Insulin Resistance. The other symptoms are pretty much regulated. this really is a terrible situation. Vitamin D, see here, here, here and here. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, ie a high excess oestrogen level, the longer it takes and the more progesterone is needed. You might like to read our page on Peri-menopause too. I thought I had MS or something wrong with my brain or nervous system. You should have been started on the progesterone weeks before pregnancy, so that your body could adjust. Oestrogen is an excitatory, inflammatory hormone, it also causes water retention, see here, here, here and here. Age 49 I began to have menopause symptoms and started oral estradiol because the oral progestin made me insane. And this lie has put your health in jeopardy. I really do not want to gain weight permanently. The amount used can be reduced as explained. Does this mean only fats and meats or will it include grains, fruits, veggies. I do have have a FB page, but never look at it. We do have more info on How to use progesterone cream. Never had hot flashes when I was just on estrogen. After hyst 4 years ago I have gained and gained. Low vitamin D levels reduce the benefits of progesterone, up to 50% of us are deficient in vitamin D. Hi Scaredy Cat For more info and papers on the various Delivery systems please read through this page. My mom has dementia and never took any hormones at all for menopause and now cannot keep a straight thought in her head. If I take more than 50mg a day, is there more of a cancer risk. Then I got a better balance and then my weight went back to normal. And how do I monitor ovulation since my menstrual cycle does not have a set pattern. Hi there Unfortunately the Mirena does not contain progesterone, but a synthetic progestin. But without a check, the excitatory hormones like oestrogen would continue stimulating. You might like to read our page on Menopause. This paper might interest you on lymphomas and p53, see here. Would it typically take more than 2 months to reduce the estrogen dominance. I had already purchased this before I saw your site. This is also why when you go through menopause why your eyes and skin dries out during menopause. I also used metformin for couple of years but it didnt help me to get any periods. Lost weight immediately and energy level was way up. When I stopped briefly, I felt sluggish and cold, so I am going to stay on it. But it only takes 90 minutes PER WEEK to get amazing results. I fell pregnant in September 2009 and have been experiencing TERRIBLE sickness from the very beginning (6 weeks). This almost always affects women with already high oestrogen levels far more than those with low levels. I have always felt that my hormones were not right after that pregnancy. She has gained 30-40 lbs out of the blue. You are also using an oestrogen cream too, so adding to the problem. Like if you are repulsed to have sex with someone you love and want to have sex with that seems to be a mental problem. I would be cautious about stopping the progesterone at 4 months. per pump. I have reduced it from 30mg to 25mg and made me feel better for a few days but now back to feeling bad again and gaining more and more bloat makes me feel more bad. Oestrogen, and only oestrogen, can cause cells to multiply and grow, hence the gynecomastia in men. You were saying that merina has progestin which causes insulin resistance. They are working great for sleep and I have been feeling generally better overall (this is my second month using). My labs were finally drawn and my Estrogen level had dropped from 165 to 85. Can you give me some advice, I am 57 postmenopausal, many problems still with insomnia, hot flashes, anxiety, fuzz brain. My friend told me it does something to the fibrinogen in the blood. Thanks for the info re candida--I will look into that oil. But before you do please see the page on Oestrogen Dominance. While I felt good for the first month, I have had some awful symptoms from the second months that included a sudden weight gain, headache, chest pain and I felt very very tired. I am really curious to see how my next scan comes out, and will let you know. I had a 16 week prep and was under instruction from my coach to take estrogen blockers. Oestrogen Dominance can occur too, please read this page before too long. Prior to my pregnancy last year I was on contraceptive pill for a long time - approx 10 years. Hi Michelle Using such a low amount of progesterone will make you feel blah. (No known peanut allergy). Please see this paper on water retention here. I start using it tomorrow as per my cycle and I planned on using 1 teaspoon t times per day. Hair loss is such a difficult problem, researchers have spent years looking for the cause, there appear to be many. Please consider having a vitamin D test, for more info see the Vitamin D council website. The long, slow and boring cardio group exercised TWICE as long (40 minutes per workout). Progesterone usage is not dependant on dose, weight or size, but on symptoms. Blood glucose drops too fast, too low causing hunger, depression, tiredness. See here, here, here, here, here and here. I would say my weight went back down in about a month to six weeks, but I bet it would have been sooner if I had taken a higher dose (around 300 for me) earlier. I started it to help with weight gain and hot flashes. And our page on Endometriosis for more info on this. Went to my GP doctor and blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol was all great, my thyroid was 2. Stay with it and go higher for a week or two--Wray will confirm this is safe (pregnant women have much higher progesterone levels than we are giving ourselves with the cream). That is the reason women gain fluid and feel bloated during luteal phase. This is the amount I started using 15 years ago, and it took me 6 months to feel normal again. I am wondering if anybody has had my situation. Developed a reaction so I discontinued that as well. Progesterone is only made after we ovulate, so I see no point in using it during the follicular phase, unless symptoms are severe. The reason for the weight gain is twofold. The weight gain, hypoglycaemia and severe exhaustion are also indicative of a vitamin D deficiency. Please read through it, as it explains how to use progesterone. Hi Mary Progesterone also helps depression and anxiety, see here, here and here. The doctor said I was not absorbing enough of it. Hi Colleen The symptoms you had when pregnant were hormonal, caused by a lack of progesterone. No amount of exercise, eating right etc fixes this. I am taking 30mg of the cream once daily. Do you consider 600 mg a day too low a dose of licorice or should I take more, kind of like progesterone and the oestrogen effect. My hormone bloodwork came back as normal except that my DHEA was high. During pregnancy there is a lot more hormonal activity going on in addition to progesterone levels increasing. Although they told you you were low on oestrogen, it was oestradiol they checked, this should be low in menopause, as the ovaries no longer produce it. Although I know progestrin is not good for me, my hair stopped falling out, my libido went out the roof and I felt so good. A low amount will merely stimulate oestrogen production, now that does cause weight gain. It really does have to be higher to overcome the Oestrogen Dominance. I do agree about synthetic hormones, and about oestrogen too, even the phytoestrogens have an oestrogenic affect. When starting progesterone it does stimulate oestrogen, which initially would have created more. Please have a test done, for more info see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. I am so bloated it is terrible and if I use more cream I get severe insomnia. The more severe the symptom the more is needed, I stress this over and over in my replies. Oestrogen and only oestrogen causes fat cells to divide and multiply. You might like to read our page on Menopause too. Testosterone is notorious at increasing visceral fat, see here and here. The reason you blew up using only progesterone was due to oestrogen dominance. And I do agree, you might not get your period again, or if you do it could be very erratic. Please see our page on How to use progesterone cream for more info. This would have hastened the weight gain, for more info on this see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. If insulin increases so to do the androgens, these are responsible for acne break outs. Obviously not balanced since my estrogen is very normally high. I have been on natural progesterone cream for about two months at 20mg per day, also estrogen cream 1 mg a day. In case you get Oestrogen Dominance please read this page we have on it. My periods now are somewhat regular but they start on Day 23-24 not day 28. After a terrible 6-8 months of mood swings, sleeplessness, night sweats, etc. my bio dr. Natpro 100mg for two months and fatter than ever. I can find almost nothing in the medical literature on low testosterone in pre-menopausal women. How You Can Fix Your Broken Metabolism to Burn Fat 24 Hours per Day, 7 Days Per Week. Then when you feel stable, begin following a cycle by first stopping the progesterone. I did not use anything for a number of years which was, a big mistake. And please see our page on Insulin Resistance too. My stomach is bloated and cellulite (which I do not have a problem with) is gathering on belly and back of legs and butt. Another unfortunate thing, before oestrogen is made, testosterone is made first. I have gained 25 pounds since I started and I am thinking of going off. Oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. Younger ones find it helpful to overcome anovulatory problems, once helped they can stop. For more info on How to use progesterone cream, please read through this page. But there are many hidden sources, see here. Hi there Without doing a detailed search, the only mist I can find is made by Progesta-Care. Granted, I am also going to Weight Watchers, but have not found it more difficult to lose weight. There seems evidence to suggest progesterone increases libido, and not testosterone, see here. There are many nutrients which do though, so please read through the page. Oestrogen causes water retention and bloating, this is the reason for the immediate weight gain. When you do cardio, your body reacts to the stress by suppressing this fat burning hormone. Something is also causing hives every few days and I am stopping all vitamins for a month also. Progesterone is excellent at reversing this is men. Now I am thinking of dropping the estrogen cream altogether. It almost sounds as if you have developed insulin resistance, you might like to read more about it on our web page Insulin Resistance. As you have probably read, we are all estrogen dominant. It would also cause any water retained to be lost too. Hi there The 20mg and the 10mg are only ramping up the oestrogen dominance affect. This past year I started weight gain mostly in the middle went from a size 7 to a 10 and turning soft instead of muscle. The naturopath who runs these tests has just had a test done for herself, and her ratio was 800:1. I went on the Wiley Protocol with the goal of supporting my immune system with a normal hormone function and getting my normal cycle back. For more info on this please see out page on How to use progesterone cream. I am exercising so much in fact as I am training for a couple of competitive races coming up. Otherwise it should be used from ovulation for the last 14 days of the cycle. I read in another post that the side effect is an increase of estrogen produced. Please have a vitamin D test done on your mother. And here for oral. I had a partial Hysterectomy at 38yrs. If you find the 70mg is not enough, increase the amount. If you do increase the amount, please be aware that Oestrogen Dominance can kick in. But before you increase the amount, please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance as this can occur. This, together with taking the DHEA which increases both oestrogen and testosterone, would cause Oestrogen Dominance with the addition of the oral progesterone. SInce I had gotten off birth control a couple months prior to these symptoms appearing and no docctor could over find anything wrong with me I decided to see a hormone specialist. I recently started Effexor to help with hot flashes, and testosterone cream for libido which, after 5 doses, has not helped at all. It will only appear to cause it if too little is used. I am now taking 10 mg and it helps but I am still gaining weight. Hi there I think I have covered these queries. Whereas oestrogen causes water retention and is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. You recommend to slowly reduce the dosage when symptoms subside, but now I am confused. My daughter who is 16 - almost 17 had an Implanon progesterone implant inserted in her arm about a year ago. Please see our page on How to use progesterone cream for more info. She should have had some relief from the fibromyalgia too, as I said to you, the progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone is an excellent analgesic. No doctor could find anything wrong with me. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle, see here and here. Plus low vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. I recently ordered Progesterone from Neurobiologix instead of the prescription. Nicholas DiNubile, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital even gave it a catchy name. My doctor prescribed 10mg of DHEA each morning and 100mg of oral Progesterone at night from 14 to period. Oestrogen is a mitogen, it stimulates cells to divide and grow, including fat cells. Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4 Paper 5 Finally you should not touch DHEA, it causes both oestrogen and androgen levels to rise, and can cause cysts and cancer, please see this. In October I came off my birth control because i thought it was giving me low grade fevers. Starting out I assumed I would do 2 weeks on and two weeks off, but now I am not sure. It is not a one size fits all, people with mild symptoms need far less than those with severe. I have been adjusting my hormones with HRT (progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone) for 3 years now. Consequently with less estrogen I still had hot flashes. Progesterone has to become the dominant hormone before feeling well. To go back to your COMMENT TILE again and I repeat,the answer is never. I have read that this in combo with Progesterone can quickly resolve the issue. Weight gain often occurs as progesterone levels have dropped very low, whereas oestrogen is still at normal levels, and testosterone is rising. I want this to work, so quickly overcoming the OE is critical. An easy way to find out if the level is low is to get a tincture of iodine. So wrong, that they are now doing (2010) a 1000 people study on the benefits of progesterone for TBI. Progesterone is not a sex hormone, it has no influence on the secondary sexual characteristics which develop at puberty or the problems which can affect us later in life. I get them in the latter part of my cycle, when progesterone rises and estrogen lowers. I figured out that 1 MG Bi-est and 200 mg progesterone x 14 fixed the initial trans-dermal withdrawal. As I said they may seem obscure, but ultimately explain the role the two hormones have. I had 4 misscarriages before I became pregnant with my 1st son. I thought i could have a cycle using the cream but now i feel disappointed and depressed. To find this divide your progesterone result by the oestrogen result. Hi there Duphaston is a progestin, often given for pregnancy problems. In fact so good that it is now being used via IV transfusion for brain trauma victims. This is not the only place where I see people talking about the side effects. Should I increase or decrease progesterone before I stop all together. I will talk to my doctor about having a cream instead then the dosage can be controlled. I have tried special diet eliminating most common allergens (wheat, diary products, etc. Plus the fact we now have over 100 oestrogen mimics in the environment, see Our Stolen Future. said that she can tell my progesterone is very low as my adrenals were flatlined because your body pulls from the progesterone when your adrenals are shot depleting your progesterone also. Also, how long do you think the excessive sleepiness should last. They need knee replacements at 45 or have chronic overuse injuries that prevent them from walking without pain. ) Is there a natural way to restore your adrenals. Not only that but she tells me she still feels feminine, as I do, and certainly has a young figure to prove it. I think you should aim for happy and normal weight. The ratio then becomes skewed and symptoms worsen. At age 35 I began sufferring from anxiety. and why is this change that is suppose to happen naturally not feeling so natural. I was thrilled to finally have a saliva test and find out I was deficient in Progesterone and DHEA. I was fortunate enough to meet Dr Dalton while she was alive, she advised me on several occasions about how to use progesterone and the amount too. High amounts of progesterone give a sense of euphoria. I would avoid the DHEA as it can raise testosterone levels, and increase the risk of cancer and cysts, see here, here, here and here. Hi-I am 8 years menopausal, after a hysterectomy and ovaries out. The graininess is caused by progesterone precipitating out or not being fully dissolved when being made. While waiting for a compounded patch, I moved to the Emerita cream. All Contraceptives come with adverse side affects, please read through this page. It can take up to 6 months, but during those months symptoms gradually go or stop. Like you I have yet to find what the ratio of testosterone to the other hormones should be. I have no nausea, my body feels good for the most part and so far, no breast pain or tenderness. My severely cracked heels healed, my finger nails no longer flaked off and starting growing again, my dizziness went and the chronic fatigue too. I gained 20lbs and my breasts hurt like crazy. For more info please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. Such as their stress levels, the foods they eat ie phytoestrogen content, how much vitamin D they have, do they eat large meals, do they live in countries with much cloud cover, all these cause progesterone to drop. For more info see our pages on Peri-menopause and Menopause. Because your body needs the fat to function. For more info see our page on How to use progesterone. Will the higher dosage of progesterone make me sleepy as well. And you are quite right, I often suggest using progesterone daily, throughout bleeding too, to overcome severe symptoms. Dr. IR leads to weight gain too, which no amount of exercise or good food will reverse. I just want to know if this could be the reason for the weight not coming off. I use it daily on all my veggies and salads, in preference to other oils. Fibroids are stimulated by oestrogen, for more info please see our page on Fibroids. The weight gain did not happen BECAUSE I was on progesterone so I have a hard time believing the handy-dandy little orange pill (natural, not synthetic) I was prescribed yesterday will add weight - in fact, my Doctor told me the opposite. But before increasing, please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance first, as this can occur. When the new doc put me on progesterone (age 61) it was a godsend emotionally, I felt better but put on more weight. The reason you got larger and larger on progesterone was because you were advised to use too little. I have ordered an Estriol Oil to use intravaginally. Should I have stayed on the shots instead of switching to oral Progesterone. I have no papers stating specifically that oestrogen causes weight gain. Adding another 25 mg on each of the following nights. If the person who bailed out is reading this, I read you lost 10lbs by discontinuing, would you please respond and let me know how you went off it and how you are doing now. People who performed intense cardio suffered from decreased T3 hormone production. She gave me her advice freely, as she knew I was trying to help other women. Whereas oestrogen has no effect, see here and here. Contraceptives can cause Insulin Resistance, which is probably what you have now, please read this page we have, it might throw some light on the problem. I suggest doubling this and see if it helps. Yes it does cost more, but to my mind worth it. Using sufficient progesterone will suppress any excess hormones, including the DHEA. For years I have been off and on the estradiol because of water retention. I am also thinking about gettin on the Insulite PCOS system as I have hear good things about the system. I am currently intaking progesterone pills and afraid of gaining extra weight around thighs as i have enough there. However, I do not have cysts in my ovaries. But before you do please read this page on Oestrogen Dominance. I love the fact that you are providing vital information to women that gives them options. Plus a lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. I am 5 ft 6 and need to be at 145 to look my best. Progesterone when first using it, or if a low amount is used, or when increasing the amount, stimulates oestrogen, so symptoms become worse. Progesterone is dropping then, so is oestrogen, but if the ratio of the two hormones becomes unbalanced, many adverse symptoms occur. Gaining weight around the middle is typical of excess oestrogen. Joint pains are alleviated by progesterone which is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Although it does increase muscle mass, it can also causes acne, oily skin, facial hair and scalp hair loss. And please whatever you do, read our page on Oestrogen Dominance, this often catches women unaware of it. I have had two previous pregnancies which resulted in miscarriages. Slowly tappered off both E and P cream after being on it for 2 plus years. Oestrogen and only oestrogen is a mitogen, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. Hi, I have been using the cream for 6 months now (increased to 2 x 50m a day for the past 3 months) and still I have a roll of fat around my stomach. It is terrific at night, because it helps me sleep well which I am thankful for. They left my ovaries and I went into menopause at 51. Do you still think the cream could help me to have ovulation or to regulate any kind of cycle. 3 sprays give 20mg progesterone. Many other papers, seemingly obscure, show how progesterone first stimulates oestrogen, then suppresses it, this is one here. We not only tolerate it but thrive on it. And along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a juicy burger, all while enjoying the lean, sexy body you have been working so hard to achieve. Oestrogen also causes Insulin Resistance, which also causes weight gain. I eat a healthy 5 times a day and exercise at least 4-5 times a week and I eat under 1500 calories a day. Kokoro is a good, clean brand, too, but less progesterone for the amount of carrier cream. Although anecdotal, we have many men using progesterone to increase theirs, they find it more effective than testosterone. I finally realized that the cravings kick back up with the progesterone application. I do not take anything else other than the progesterone. Their skin sags down and their face is a wrinkled mess. As I said I am not having periods so it is impossible to tell what stage of the month I am in. I know its the oestrogen dominance acting out. A lack of this vital nutrient causes insulin resistance, so too does excess oestrogen. Amongst other problems, this leads to viseral fat deposits in the belly, see here and here. Also my vitamin D results came back very low. I would never recommend progesterone during the first half of the cycle either, the idea is to follow the cycle. Also do you suggest progesterone to women with PCOS. This would have hastened the weight gain, for more info on this see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. Then, Australian researchers tested Turbulence Training style workouts against long, slow and boring cardio. discovered I have endometriosis. The pills are not the solution either, as oral progesterone is mostly destroyed as it passes through the gut and liver, please see these papers. The weight gain is caused in part by the DHEA increasing testosterone levels, this is notorious at increasing visceral fat, see here and here. She explores all the avenues that can make us anxious, and there are many. You say you have fat around the middle now, it could be due to the DHEA, see here, here, here and here. For more info on this please see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Otherwise it seems to me that you have to go back to almost square one when you start, stop, start, stop, etc. You are right, after 5 months my dr. Please see our page on HRT for further adverse effects of oestrogen. Any women with severe symptoms will need high amounts. Progesterone should be higher than oestrogen at all times, otherwise we have adverse symptoms. It will also help you cope with any stress, and prevent any Anxiety. Both excess oestrogen and testosterone can cause Insulin Resistance which quite possibly you have. So here is the problem. I imagine your Rx is the same if it contains progesterone, which the Natpro does. Is the use of NatPro different for someone already into menopause like me. One excellent aspect about MCT oil is how soft the skin becomes when taking it. I took a couple of days off from the progesterone just as a monitoring check, and my symptoms returned with a vengeance. Hi Eloise That does happen when you increase the amount. If I increase the progesterone I get too depressed. I went from 150lbs (needing and desparately wanting to lose weight) to 156lbs. Progesterone is thermogenic, which means it speeds metabolism slightly. And to use a system which delivers the progesterone effectively. thinks is the best test and do it under strict supervision by a liscensed physician. Progesterone must become the dominant hormone to prevent this. For more info on this please see our page on Insulin Resistance. This is my last shot, I will give it 6 weeks to see improvement(if I can hold out that long). I suggest you do increase the amount and see if this helps. Many things effect progesterone levels, stress, a lack of vitamin D, large meals, dark winter days and more. She wanted me to do heavier drugs that would put me into menopause. This is an excellent amount, if you say you have an economy tube I hope it lasts the month. So, far from progesterone causing water retention, and making us bloated, it does the opposite. 25 Progest in morning,. I read on this site that in a 60G jar there might be 900 mg. If you have oestrogen dominance, it would only have made it worse, please see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. Catamenial migraines always occur just prior to bleeding, ie in the latter part of the cycle, and they are caused by excess oestrogen. Also I was told by a health food store guy that bioidentical hormones are still not natural. Re the fibromyalgia, your friend is deficient in vitamin D, please ask her to have a test done, see here. There are links to three websites I believe offer the best advice on what foods we should eat. Progesterone has an effect similar to a low sodium diet, by increasing aldosterone synthase, and subsequently aldosterone production, see here. It also helps with sleep, see here, here and here. It should be used a minimum of twice a day, often hourly is of help if symptoms are bad. At first, I was only applying 40 mg a day. She was the foremost authority before her death, having used it for her patients since 1948. Oestrogen causes water retention, plus it stimulates cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. This is perfect for stimulating oestrogen, but insufficient to make progesterone the dominant hormone. You might like to see these other comments here, here and here. When first using progesterone, and such a low amount, symptoms of oestrogen excess occur. But a high amount is initially needed to do this. Many women have to use far greater amounts to achieve any balance. Yes it does suppress oestrogen, which being a mitogen does cause fat cells to multiply and grow. It gives a list of natural anti-anxiety nutrients which all help. This means your body starts gaining fat immediately. Oestrogen stimulates their production during the first half of the cycle. I caution anyone thinking that this is a quick fix solution or even temporary, it is not. I tried to quit depo last year and suffered hideous side effects. I just took a saliva test and am awaiting the results on my progesterone. Hi there And please have a vitamin D test done, a lack of this not only causes anxiety, depression and migraines, but reduces the benefits of progesterone. And I do understand the role of progesterone on oestrogen. The 2-3 days prior is when progesterone drops sharply, whereas oestrogen does not. Do you have a Facebook page that I can send my contacts to. After comp I had saliva and blood tests done which showed my Estrogen was normal but I was very low in Testosterone, DHEA and Progesterone. Excess oestrogen also causes weight gain and IR, so it could be more than just a problem with your thyroid. A drop in GABA causes them, but progesterone activates the GABA receptor sites. It can occur, especially if oestrogen levels are high. The Breast Tenderness is normal when first using progesterone. This is intriguing, as it shows how your oestrogen has also been stimulated by the low amount of progesterone, a very good indication. Hi Jenine Incidentally, it seems progesterone stops the lines women get on their face and upper lip when they get older, I have none, see this study here. And DHEA should be avoided as it can increase the risk of cancer and cysts, please see here and here, and here. My saliva tests showed low progesterone and a little low on estragen levels. Ryan Shay, an Olympic Marathon hopeful, died suddenly during the early stages of the Olympic Trials Marathon in New York City. Progesterone cured sleepless nights but added 20 pounds. The Alpenzi